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Int. j. morphol ; 42(1): 28-34, feb. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528823


SUMMARY: This work investigated the morphology of the root canal system of the mandibular first molar in a Malaysian subpopulation. Using micro-computed tomography with an isotropic resolution of 22 µm, 140 mandibular first molars were scanned. MIMICS software was used for segmentation, 3-D reconstruction and analysis of the acquired images. The canal configuration was described using Vertucci [supported by the supplementary configurations proposed by Sert & Bayirli (2004)] and Ahmed et al. (2027), coding systems. The chi-square test was used to assess the association between qualitative variables. By non-considering intercanal communications, Vertucci types IV (17.1%) and I (76.4%) were the most frequently reported configurations in the mesial and distal roots, respectively. Of the reported configurations, 24.3% and 4.3% were non-classifiable by Vertucci system in the mesial and distal roots, respectively. Up to 63.6% and 9.3% of the reported configurations were non- classifiable, and type I was the most frequent when considering intercanal communications (7.1% and 76.4% in the mesial and distal roots, respectively). According to Ahmed et al., system, almost half of the sample had more than four digits (47.9%), followed by the 3-digits category (20.71%). In both systems, a significant association was found between the canal configuration and the root type (p<0.001). The mandibular first molar of this Malaysian subpopulation demonstrated a wide range of root canal morphology. When compared to the Vertucci system, the system developed by Ahmed et al., successfully classified all molars configurations despite their level of complexity. The complex canal anatomy of mandibular first molars in this subpopulation warrants special attention during root canal treatment procedures.

En este trabajo se investigó la morfología del sistema de conductos radiculares del primer molar mandibular en una subpoblación de Malasia. Utilizando tomografía microcomputada con una resolución isotrópica de 22 µm, se escanearon 140 primeros molares mandibulares. Se utilizó el software MIMICS para segmentar (enmascarar), reconstruir en 3D, visualizar y analizar las imágenes adquiridas. La configuración del canal se describió utilizando Vertucci respaldado por las configuraciones complementarias propuestas por Sert & Bayirli (2004)] y Ahmed et al. (2017, 2020), sistemas de codificación. Se utilizó la prueba de chi-cuadrado para evaluar la asociación entre variables cualitativas. Sin considerar las comunicaciones intercanales, los tipos Vertucci IV (17,1%) y I (76,4%) fueron las configuraciones reportadas con mayor frecuencia en las raíces mesiales y distales, respectivamente. De las configuraciones reportadas, el 24,3 % y el 4,3 % fueron no clasificables por el sistema de Vertucci en las raíces mesial y distal, respectivamente. Hasta el 63,6 % y el 9,3 % de las configuraciones reportadas fueron no clasificables, siendo la tipo I la más frecuente al considerar las comunicaciones intercanales (7,1 % y 76,4 % en las raíces mesiales y distales, respectivamente). Según Ahmed et al. (2017, 2020) en el sistema, casi la mitad de la muestra tenía más de cuatro dígitos (47,9 %), seguido por la categoría de 3 dígitos (20,71 %). En ambos sistemas se encontró una asociación significativa entre la configuración del canal y el tipo de raíz (p<0,001). El primer molar mandibular de esta subpoblación de Malasia demostró una amplia gama morfológica del conducto radicular. En comparación con el sistema Vertucci, el sistema desarrollado por Ahmed et al. (2017, 2020) clasificaron con éxito todas las configuraciones de los molares a pesar de su nivel de complejidad. La compleja anatomía del canal de los primeros molares mandibulares en esta subpoblación merece una atención especial durante los procedimientos de tratamiento de conducto.

Humans , Dental Pulp Cavity/diagnostic imaging , X-Ray Microtomography , Molar/diagnostic imaging , Dental Pulp Cavity/anatomy & histology , Malaysia , Molar/anatomy & histology
Int. j. morphol ; 41(4): 1101-1106, ago. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514325


La investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la influencia de la morfología externa de la raíz de primeros premolares superiores en la existencia de sobreestimación radiográfica durante la preparación para poste. Con este fin se realizó un estudio transversal in vitro, donde 60 premolares superiores uniradiculares fueron instrumentadas con fresas Gates Glidden y Pesso de calibre 1, 2 y 3. Seguidamente se obtuvieron imágenes radiográficas digitales de cada pieza dentaria mediante un aparato posicionador a una distancia constante en sentido vestíbulo lingual, asimismo se realizaron imágenes tomográficas volumétricas de las muestras. En ambas técnicas imagenológicas se midió el espesor a mesial y distal de las piezas. La sobreestimación fue calculada mediante la diferencia de la medida tomográfica menos la radiográfica. Los resultados indicaron que en ambas paredes radiculares hubo diferencia significativa entre las medidas radiográficas y tomográficas (p<0,05), encontrándose en la pared distal diferencias altamente significativas (p<0,001); además se evidenció que la sobreestimación radiográfica fue mayor en la pared distal. El estudio concluyó que existe sobreestimación radiográfica en premolares superiores durante la preparación para poste de un 20,42 % en promedio, siendo la pared distal la estructura que presenta mayor sobreestimación.

SUMMARY: he investigation´s objective was to determine the influence of external morphology of the root of upper first premolars in the existence of radiographic overestimation during preparation for post. An in vitro cross-sectional study was carried out, where 60 single-rooted upper premolars were instrumented with burs. Gates Glidden and Pesso of caliber 1, 2 and 3, then, digital radiographic images of each dental piece were obtained by means of a positioning device at a constant distance in the buccolingual direction; volumetric tomographic images of the samples were also performed. In both imaging techniques, the mesial and distal thickness of the pieces was measured. The overestimation was calculated by the difference of the tomographic measurement minus the radiographic one. The results indicated that in both root walls there was a significant difference between the radiographic and tomographic measurements (p<0.05), with highly significant differences being found in the distal wall (p<0.001); In addition, it was evidenced that the radiographic overestimation was greater in the distal wall. The study concluded that there is radiographic overestimation in upper premolars during post preparation of 20.42% on average, with the distal wall being the structure that presents the greatest overestimation.

Humans , Bicuspid/diagnostic imaging , Tooth Preparation , Dental Pulp Cavity/diagnostic imaging , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Bicuspid/anatomy & histology , Radiographic Image Enhancement , Cross-Sectional Studies , Post and Core Technique , Root Canal Preparation , Dental Pulp Cavity/anatomy & histology
Int. j. morphol ; 41(4): 1112-1117, ago. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514332


El objetivo de este estudio fue utilizar la Tomografía Computarizada de Haz Cónico (TCHC) para investigar la configuración anatómica, prevalencia y distribución del conducto mesiovestibular Dos (MV2) en molares superiores de una subpoblación chilena, considerando variables como la presencia del conducto MV2, la clasificación de Vertucci, el género y edad. Estudio observacional de corte transversal. La muestra consistió en Tomografías Computarizadas de Haz Cónico tomadas en la clínica odontológica de la Universidad Andrés Bello (Viña del Mar). Se calculó el tamaño muestral utilizando la fórmula de población conocida, lo que resultó en 262 tomografías. Los examinadores se calibraron utilizando el coeficiente Kappa de Cohen, para luego analizar las variables mediante un estudio imagenológico utilizando el software I-CAT Visión. Se analizaron 439 primeros y segundos molares superiores. La prevalencia del conducto MV2 en primeros molares fue del 63,74 %, mientras que, en segundos molares, fue del 20,04 %. La prevalencia en primeros molares fue mayor en hombres (73,86 %) que en mujeres (58,62 %), mientras que, en segundos molares, fue del 15,81 % en mujeres y del 28,41 % en hombres. En relación con la edad, en los primeros molares la diferencia fue significativa en el rango de 18 a 40 años (66,49 %). En cuanto al tipo de configuración según Vertucci (2005), el 70 % de los primeros molares presentó una configuración Tipo II, y un 23,65 % Tipo IV, con resultados similares en los segundos molares. El presente estudio demostró que los conductos MV2 son frecuentes en la población analizada, especialmente en los primeros molares, y que la configuración Tipo II es la más prevalente. Además, se observó una mayor prevalencia en hombres y en el rango de 18 a 40 años. Estos hallazgos proporcionan información relevante sobre la anatomía radicular en la población y pueden contribuir a mejorar los resultados de tratamiento.

SUMMARY: The aim of this study was to use Cone-beam Computed Tomography (TCHC) to investigate the anatomical configuration, prevalence, and distribution of the Second Mesiobuccal (MB2) canal in upper molars of a Chilean subpopulation, considering variables such as the presence of MB2 canal, Vertucci classification, gender, and age. Cross-sectional observational study. The sample consisted of TCHC scans taken at the dental clinic of Universidad Andrés Bello (Viña del Mar). The sample size was calculated using the formula for known population, resulting in 262 scans. The examiners were calibrated using Cohen's Kappa coefficient, then the variables were analyzed through an imaging study using I-CAT Vision software. 439 first and second upper molars were analyzed. The prevalence of MB2 canal in first molars was 63.74 %, while in second molars, it was 20.04 %. The prevalence in first molars was higher in males (73.86 %) than in females (58.62 %), while in second molars, it was 15.81 % in females and 28.41 % in males. Regarding age, in first molars the difference was significant between the age range of 18 to 40 years (66.49 %). Regarding the type of configuration according to Vertucci, 70 % of the first molars had Type II configuration, and 23.65 % had Type IV, with similar results in second molars. The present study demonstrated that MB2 canals are frequent in the analyzed population, especially in first molars, and Type II configuration is the most prevalent. Additionally, a higher prevalence was observed in males and in the age range of 18 to 40 years. These findings provide relevant information about root anatomy in the studied population and can contribute to improving treatment outcomes.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Dental Pulp Cavity/diagnostic imaging , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Molar/diagnostic imaging , Chile , Cross-Sectional Studies , Dental Pulp Cavity/anatomy & histology , Molar/anatomy & histology
RFO UPF ; 28(1)20230808. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1511056


Introdução: Mesmo com toda evolução tecnológica desses instrumentos, com o desenvolvimento das limas de liga de níquel-titanio (NiTi) e sistemas mecanizados, as fraturas podem ocorrer durante o preparo químico/mecânico. Existem três abordagens mais regulamente aplicadas para solucionar essa intercorrencia: tentativa de remoção do instrumento com ultrassom, tentativa de ultrapassálo (bypass) ou a obturação do segmento. Objetivo: Relatar um caso da técnica de bypass em instrumento fraturado no canal radicular. Descrição do caso: Paciente, sexo feminino, 47 anos, brasileira, sem condições sistêmicas associadas, foi encaminhada à clínica do Curso de Odontologia da UNIFENAS, Divinópolis, Minas Gerais, Brasil, para resolução de fratura de instrumento no canal mésio- vestibular do primeiro molar superior direito (16). Optou-se pelo tratamento pela técnica de bypass, que envolveu as seguintes etapas: anestesia, abertura, utilização de lima C-Pilot #08 para ultrapassar o instrumento fraturado, odontometria, escalonamento regressivo a partir da lima k#20, desinfecção com hipoclorito de sódio 5%, medicação com hidróxido de cálcio por 21 dias, agitação da substância irrigadora e obturação dos canais radiculares. Conclusão: O bypass ao instrumento é uma técnica conservadora, eficaz e uma solução adequada em casos de fratura de limas endodônticas dentro dos canais radiculares. Essa técnica visa preservar o máximo possível da estrutura dental original, evitando procedimentos mais invasivos.(AU)

Introduction: Even with all technological evolution of these instruments, with the development of nickel-titanium alloy (NiTi) files and mechanized systems, fractures can occur during chemical/mechanical preparation. There are three most commonly applie to resolve this complication: attempting to remove the instrument with ultrasound, attempting to bypass it, or obturating the segment. Objective: To report a case of bypass technique in fractured instrument in the root canal. Case description: A 47-year-old female patient from Brazil, with no associated systemic conditions, was referred to the clinic of the Dentistry Course at UNIFENAS, Divinópolis, Minas Gerais, Brazil, for resolution of an instrument fracture in the mesio-vestibular canal of the right upper first molar (16). Treatment was performed using the bypass technique, which involved the following steps: anesthesia, opening, use of a C-Pilot #08 file to bypass the fractured instrument, odontometry, regressive scaling from the k#20 file, disinfection with 5% sodium hypochlorite, medication with calcium hydroxide for 21 days, agitation of the irrigating substance and root canal filling. Conclusion: Instrument bypass is a conservative, effective technique and an adequate solution in cases of endodontic file fracture within root canals. This technique aims to preserve as much of the original tooth structure as possible, avoiding more invasive procedures.(AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Root Canal Therapy/instrumentation , Dental Instruments , Dental Pulp Cavity/diagnostic imaging , Equipment Failure , Titanium , Radiography, Dental , Treatment Outcome , Nickel
Int. j. morphol ; 41(3): 775-784, jun. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514312


SUMMARY: The objective of this study was to evaluate the maxillary molar root canal morphology in individuals from the Shandong province, China, using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and classify it based on Ahmed et al. (2017) classification system to obtain a reference for clinical diagnosis and treatment. From December 2020 to June 2021, we screened CBCT data of 1,619 patients at the Jinan Stomatological Hospital who had been indicated for CBCT because of various oral abnormalities. The root and root canal morphologies of all teeth were statistically analyzed, and the root canal morphology was classified based on Ahmed et al. (2017) classification system. In the maxillary molars, three roots were the most common, accounting for 99.24 % and 74.61 % of all maxillary first and second molars, respectively. Two roots were the second most common, accounting for 0.66 % and 17.29 % of all maxillary first and second molars, respectively. Root morphology variation, e.g., fusion or furcation defect, was present in 22 (0.76 %) maxillary first molars and 765 (25.39 %) maxillary second molars, with the most common being mesiobuccal and distobuccal root fusion. Detection rates of a second mesiobuccal canal (MB2) in the maxillary first and second molars were 48.5 % and 26.5 %, respectively. Among age groups, the frequency of MB2 was the highest in the 15-24-year-old group and lowest in the 55-64-year-old group. Bilateral MB2 root canals were present in 64.8 % and 48.4 % of the maxillary first and second molars, respectively. Men and women accounted for 60.6 % and 67.8 % of the maxillary first molars, respectively, and 51.7 % and 45.6 % of the maxillary second molars, respectively. According to Ahmed et al. (2017) classification of root canal morphology, 18 and 22 root canal configurations were found in 1,453 right maxillary first molars and 1,444 left maxillary first molars, respectively. The right maxillary first molars showed three two-rooted, 14 three-rooted, and one four-rooted type. The left maxillary first molars showed two one-rooted, six two-rooted, and 14 three-rooted types. According to Ahmed et al. (2017) classification of root canal morphology, 43 and 45 root canal configurations were found in 1,507 right maxillary second molars and 1,506 left maxillary second molars, respectively. The right maxillary second molars showed 17 one-rooted, 16 two- rooted, eight three-rooted, and two four-rooted types. The left maxillary second molars showed 19 one-rooted, 13 two-rooted, 12 three- rooted, and one four-rooted type. This study showed that the maxillary molar root canal morphology is diverse in the Shandong province. Ahmed et al. (2017) classification system provides a clear description of the root canal morphology. CBCT can be used to study complex root and root canal morphologies.

El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la morfología del conducto radicular del molar superior en individuos de la provincia de Shandong, China, utilizando tomografía computarizada de haz cónico (CBCT) y clasificarla con base en el sistema de clasificación de Ahmed et al. (2017) para obtener una referencia para diagnóstico clínico y tratamiento. Desde diciembre de 2020 hasta junio de 2021, analizamos los datos de CBCT de 1619 pacientes en el Hospital Estomatológico de Jinan a quienes se les indicó CBCT debido a diversas anomalías orales. Las morfologías de la raíz y del conducto radicular de todos los dientes se analizaron estadísticamente, y la morfología del conducto radicular se clasificó según el sistema de clasificación de Ahmed et al. (2017). En los molares superiores, tres raíces fueron las más comunes, representando el 99,24 % y el 74,61 % de todos los primeros y segundos molares superiores, respectivamente. Dos raíces fueron las segundas más comunes, representando el 0,66 % y el 17,29 % de todos los primeros y segundos molares superiores, respectivamente. La variación de la morfología de la raíz, por ejemplo, fusión o defecto de furcación, estuvo presente en 22 (0,76 %) primeros molares superiores y 765 (25,39 %) segundos molares superiores, siendo la fusión radicular mesiovestibular y distovestibular la más común. Las tasas de detección de un segundo canal mesiovestibular (MB2) en los primeros y segundos molares superiores fueron del 48,5 % y 26,5 %, respectivamente. Entre los grupos de edad, la frecuencia de MB2 fue más alta en el grupo de 15 a 24 años y más baja en el grupo de 55 a 64 años. Los conductos radiculares MB2 bilaterales estaban presentes en el 64,8 % y el 48,4 % de los primeros y segundos molares superiores, respectivamente. En los hombres y en las mujeres representaron el 60,6 % y el 67,8 % de los primeros molares superiores, respectivamente, y el 51,7 % y el 45,6 % de los segundos molares superiores, respec- tivamente. Según la clasificación de la morfología del conducto radicular de Ahmed et al. (2017) se encontraron configuraciones de conducto radicular 18 y 22 en 1453 primeros molares superiores derechos y 1444 primeros molares superiores izquierdos, respectivamente. Los primeros molares superiores derechos mostraron tres tipos de dos raíces, 14 de tres raíces y uno de cuatro raíces. Los primeros molares superiores izquierdos mostraron dos tipos de una raíz, seis de dos raíces y 14 de tres raíces. Según la clasificación de la morfología del conducto radicular de Ahmed et al. (2017) se encontraron configuraciones de conducto radicular 43 y 45 en 1507 segundos molares superiores derechos y 1506 segundos molares superiores izquierdos, respectivamente. Los segundos molares superiores derechos mostraron 17 tipos de una raíz, 16 de dos raíces, ocho de tres raíces y dos de cuatro raíces. Los segundos molares superiores izquierdos mostraron 19 de una raíz, 13 de dos raíces, 12 de tres raíces y uno de cuatro raíces. Este estudio mostró que la morfología del conducto radicular del molar superior es diversa en la provincia de Shandong. El sistema de clasificación de Ahmed y colaboradores proporciona una descripción clara de la morfología del conducto radicular. CBCT se puede utilizar para estudiar morfologías complejas de raíces y conductos radiculares.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Dental Pulp Cavity/diagnostic imaging , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Molar/diagnostic imaging , Classification , Age Distribution , Dental Pulp Cavity/anatomy & histology , Molar/anatomy & histology
Int. j. morphol ; 41(2): 477-481, abr. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440335


Describir la morfología del sistema de canales radiculares del primer molar maxilar en una población chilena mediante exámenes de tomografía computarizada Cone-Beam (CBCT). Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo en el cual se utilizaron los exámenes CBCT de pacientes que fueron atendidos en un Centro de Radiología Maxilofacial privado durante el período comprendido entre Enero y Diciembre del año 2018 en la ciudad de Temuco, Chile, los cuales fueron observados de manera independiente por dos investigadores previamente calibrados. Se observaron 199 exámenes CBCT. En la raíz mesiobucal,predominaron las morfologías tipo II, I y IV de Vertucci respectivamente, mientras que en la raíz distobucal y palatina predominó la morfología tipo I. El canal MB2 estuvo presente en el 62,3 % de los casos, con una prevalencia significativamente mayor en pacientes jóvenes. En la mayoría de los primeros molares maxilares de los habitantes de la ciudad de Temuco se observaron tres raíces separadas y la presencia de cuatro canales. Se determinó una alta frecuencia del canal MB2 en la raíz MB.

SUMMARY: The objective of this study was to describe the morphology of the root canal system of the maxillary first molar in a Chilean population through Cone-Beam computed tomography (CBCT) examinations. A descriptive observational study was carried out in which the CBCT examinations of patients who were treated in a private maxillofacial radiology center during the period between January and December 2018 in Temuco, Chile, were used which were observed independently by two previously calibrated researchers. In this analysis 199 CBCT exams were observed. In the mesiobuccal root, Type II, I and IV morphologies predominated respectively, while in the distobuccal and palatal root, Type I morphology predominated. The MB2 canal was present in 62.3 % of cases, with a higher prevalence in young patients. Three separate roots and the presence of four canals were observed in most of the maxillary first molars of the patients in Temuco. A high frequency of the MB2 canal was determined in the root MB.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Dental Pulp Cavity/diagnostic imaging , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Molar/diagnostic imaging , Chile , Age Distribution , Dental Pulp Cavity/anatomy & histology , Maxilla , Molar/anatomy & histology
Chinese Journal of Stomatology ; (12): 92-97, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970761


It is a basic prerequisite for the successful completion of endodontic treatment to thoroughly understand the root canal space anatomy. With the development of dental devices in dentistry, the root canal morphology of the mandibular first premolars can be presented in more detail. Before conducting root canal therapy on the mandibular first premolar with complex root canal morphology, it should be necessary to evaluate the potential difficulties and risks for making an appropriate treatment plan. The present paper reviews the research progress on the diversities of root canal morphology in mandibular first premolars in recent years, and then makes technologic recommendations based on the morphology diversities.

Humans , Dental Pulp Cavity/diagnostic imaging , Bicuspid/anatomy & histology , Mandible , Tooth Root/anatomy & histology , Root Canal Therapy
Rev. ADM ; 79(6): 312-317, nov.-dic. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1434301


Objetivo: analizar, mediante tomografía computarizada de haz cónico (TC o CBCT [Cone Beam Computed Tomograph]) la frecuencia del tipo de morfología interna de los conductos radi- culares según la clasificación de Vertucci y el número de raíces de los primeros premolares superiores. Material y métodos: en una población argentina de 50 pacientes, 30 de sexo femenino y 20 masculino, que concurrieron a la Cátedra de Diagnóstico por Imá- genes de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, se evaluaron 100 primeros premolares superiores con CBCT. Se estudiaron las variables: número de raíces, tipo de morfología interna, edad, sexo y lado. Fueron seleccionadas las tomografías de maxilar superior que incluyeron ambos primeros premolares en salud dental, periodontal y con ápice cerrado. Se realizó una adquisición volumétrica 100 × 90 mm y tamaño de vóxel de 150 µm. Se realizó la exploración de las imágenes en el plano axial de los tercios apical, medio y cervical de las piezas 1.4 y 2.4. Se utilizó un corte axial, observando en él, el tercio apical, medio y cervical de las piezas 1.4 y 2.4. Cada premolar fue analizado con 30 cortes transversales. Se utilizó la clasificación de Vertucci para agrupar las distintas variables anatómicas de los conductos radiculares de los primeros premolares superiores, la cual consta de VIII tipolo- gías. Resultados: el tipo más representativo entre los 100 primeros premolares superiores, dentro de la clasificación de Vertucci, fue el tipo IV (dos conductos separados desde la cámara al ápice). La coincidencia de tipos entre los lados derecho (78%; IC 95%: 65 a 87%) e izquierdo (70%; IC 95%: 56 a 81%) fue significativa. La distribución según el número de raíces en el lado derecho (χ 2 = 2.88) e izquierdo (χ2 = 0.72) no presentó una heterogeneidad significativa. La coincidencia del número de raíces entre los lados derecho e izquierdo fue significativa. Conclusión: se comprobó el tipo de morfología interna más frecuente, el número de raíces y su variabilidad de acuerdo al lado, sexo, y edad; lo cual es de una relevante importancia para realizar una correcta instrumentación y obturación del sistema de conductos radiculares (AU)

Objective: to analyze, using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), the frequency of the type of internal morphology of the root canals according to the Vertucci classification and the number of roots of the first upper premolars. Material and methods: 100 first upper premolars were evaluated with CBCT, which corresponded to 30 female and 20 male patients in the Chair of Diagnostic Imaging of the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Buenos Aires. Variables were studied: number of roots, type of internal morphology, age, sex and side. The tomography of the upper jaw with both first premolars in dental, periodontal and closed apex health, a 100 × 90 mm volumetric acquisition and a voxel size of 150 µm were selected. An axial cut was used, observing the apical, middle and cervical third of pieces 1.4 and 2.4. Each premolar was analyzed with 30 paraxial cuts. The Vertucci classification was used to group the different anatomical variables of the root canals of the first upper premolars which consists of VIII typologies. Results: the most representative type among the top 100 upper premolars within the Vertucci classification was type IV (two separate ducts from the chamber to the apex). The type coincidence between the right (78%; 95% CI: 65 to 87%) and left (70%; 95% CI: 56 to 81%) los primeros premolares superiores, la cual consta de VIII tipolo gías. Resultados: el tipo más representativo entre los 100 primeros premolares superiores, dentro de la clasificación de Vertucci, fue el tipo IV (dos conductos separados desde la cámara al ápice). La coincidencia de tipos entre los lados derecho (78%; IC 95%: 65 a 87%) e izquierdo (70%; IC 95%: 56 a 81%) fue significativa. La distribución según el número de raíces en el lado derecho (χ 2 = 2.88) e izquierdo (χ2 = 0.72) no presentó una heterogeneidad significativa. La coincidencia del número de raíces entre los lados derecho e izquierdo fue significativa. Conclusión: se comprobó el tipo de morfología interna más frecuente, el número de raíces y su variabilidad de acuerdo al lado, sexo, y edad; lo cual es de una relevante importancia para realizar una correcta instrumentación y obturación del sistema de conductos radiculares (AU))

Humans , Male , Female , Bicuspid/anatomy & histology , Dental Pulp Cavity/anatomy & histology , Dental Pulp Cavity/diagnostic imaging , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography/methods , Argentina , Schools, Dental , Tooth Root/anatomy & histology , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Age and Sex Distribution
Int. j. morphol ; 40(3): 573-578, jun. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385676


SUMMARY: An essential prerequisite to perform any dental procedure is a clear understanding and knowledge of dental anatomy and its possible variations. The root canal system is characterized for a complex morphology, which varies among populations, individuals in the same population and even in the same person. The aim of this study was to evaluate by CBCT the morphology, number, curvature, and length of roots of first and second maxillary premolars in a Mexican population. In this stud 1700 maxillary premolars were evaluated by CBCT scans of patients; the axial, sagittal and coronal sections were analyzed following the longitudinal axis of each tooth. As a result 51.60 % of the maxillary first premolars had a single root, 31.03 % had two roots, 16.29 % had root fusion, and 1.07 % had three roots. 22.3 % of the maxillary first premolars showed mesial curvature, 41.9 % had a distal curvature, and 35.7 % did not show any curvature; and the most prevalent configuration in maxillary first premolars was Type V. 88.9 % of the maxillary second premolars had a single root, 3.9 % had two roots, 6.9 % had root fusion, and 0.11 % had three roots; 37.59 % of the maxillary second premolars showed a mesial curvature and 62.40 % showed a distal curvature; and the most prevalent configuration in maxillary second premolars was Type I. The anatomy of the root canal system is extremely complex and has many anatomical configurations, these clinical situations must be considered previous to performing any endodontic treatment.

RESUMEN: Un requisito esencial previo a la realización de cualquier procedimiento dental es una clara comprensión y conocimiento de la anatomía dental y sus posibles variaciones. El sistema de canales radiculares se caracteriza por una morfología compleja, que varía entre poblaciones, individuos en una misma población e incluso en una misma persona. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar mediante CBCT la morfología, número, curvatura y longitud de raíces de primeros y segundos premolares maxilares en una población mexicana. En este estudio se evaluaron 1700 premolares maxilares mediante escaneos CBCT de pacientes; se analizaron los cortes axial, sagital y coronal siguiendo el eje longitudinal de cada diente. El 51,60 % de los primeros premolares maxilares tenían una sola raíz, el 31,03 % tenían dos raíces, el 16,29 % tenían fusión de raíces y el 1,07 % tenían tres raíces. El 22,3 % de los primeros premolares maxilares presentaban curvatura mesial, el 41,9 % presentaban curvatura distal y el 35,7 % no presentaban curvatura alguna; y la configuración más prevalente en primeros premolares maxilares fue el Tipo V. El 88,9 % de los segundos premolares maxilares tenían una sola raíz, el 3,9 % dos raíces, el 6,9 % fusión de raíces y el 0,11 % tres raíces; El 37,59 % de los segundos premolares maxilares presentaban curvatura mesial y el 62,40 % curvatura distal y la configuración más prevalente en segundos premolares maxilares fue el Tipo I. La anatomía del sistema de canales radiculares es extremadamente compleja y tiene muchas configuraciones anatómicas, estas situaciones clínicas deben ser consideradas antes de realizar cualquier tratamiento de endodoncia.

Humans , Male , Female , Bicuspid/anatomy & histology , Bicuspid/diagnostic imaging , Dental Pulp Cavity/anatomy & histology , Dental Pulp Cavity/diagnostic imaging , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Prevalence , Anatomic Variation , Mexico
Int. j. morphol ; 40(2): 414-419, 2022. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385606


SUMMARY: The aim of this of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and morphology of radix entomolaris (RE) in the mandibular first molar (MFM) in a southern Chilean sub-population by cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Two hundred ten CBCT images of MFM were analysed. To detect the presence of RE, the observation and measurements were standardised, advancing 1 mm to apical from the floor of the pulp chamber to the most apical zone of the tooth. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, with a value of P < 0.05 being statistically significant. The prevalence of a third root in the permanent MFM was 5.7 % (12/210). The incidence of RE was the same in male patients (2.9 %) as in female patients (2.9 %) (p=0.324). The occurrence of an RE in the left MFM was 7.3 % (3/41 patients) for male patients and 4.5 % (3/66) for female patients (p=0.398). The right MFM in male patients had an incidence of 8.1 % (3/37) and 4.5 % (3/66) for female patients (p=0.340). When the presence of an RE was compared between the left (5.6 %) and right side (5.8 %), no statistically significant differences were found (p=0.998). The frequency of bilateral three-rooted MFM was 71.43 % (5/7) and 28.57 % (2/7) were unilateral. The prevalence of RE in MFM in a southern Chilean sub-population was 5.7 %. The occurrence was bilateral in the majority of cases and no significant differences were observed by sex or side. The commonest type of RE was Type 1 (83.3 %). The use of CBCT can improve the endodontic treatment outcome.

RESUMEN: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la prevalencia y morfología de radix entomolaris (RE) en el primer mo- lar mandibular (MFM) en una subpoblación del sur de Chile mediante tomografía computarizada de haz cónico (CBCT). Se analizaron doscientas diez imágenes CBCT de MFM. Para detectar la presencia de OD se estandarizó la observación y las medidas, avanzando 1 mm apical desde el suelo de la cámara pulpar hasta la zona más apical del diente. Los datos fueron analizados mediante estadística descriptiva, siendo estadísticamente significativo un valor de P < 0,05. La prevalencia de una tercera raíz en el MFM permanente fue de 5,7 % (12/210). La incidencia de ER fue la misma en pacientes masculinos (2,9 %) que en pacientes femeninas (2,9 %) (p=0,324). La aparición de un ER en el MFM izquier- do fue del 7,3 % (3/41 pacientes) para los pacientes masculinos y del 4,5 % (3/66) para las pacientes femeninas (p=0,398). El MFM derecho en pacientes masculinos tuvo una incidencia de 8,1 % (3/ 37) y 4,5 % (3/66) para pacientes femeninos (p=0,340). Cuando se comparó la presencia de un OD entre el lado izquierdo (5,6 %) y derecho (5,8 %), no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p=0,998). La frecuencia de MFM de tres raíces bilaterales fue 71,43 % (5/7) y 28,57 % (2/7) fueron unilaterales. La prevalencia de RE en MFM en una subpoblación del sur de Chile fue de 5,7 %. La presentación fue bilateral en la mayoría de los casos y no se observaron diferencias significativas por sexo o lado. El tipo de ER más frecuente fue el tipo 1 (83,3 %). El uso de CBCT puede mejorar el resultado del tratamiento endodóntico.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Tooth Root/diagnostic imaging , Dental Pulp Cavity/diagnostic imaging , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Molar/diagnostic imaging , Tooth Root/anatomy & histology , Chile , Prevalence , Dental Pulp Cavity/anatomy & histology , Mandible , Molar/anatomy & histology
Int. j. morphol ; 40(2): 449-454, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385622


SUMMARY: The maxillary first premolar (MFP) presents a highly variable and complex root morphology; it is also one of the teeth most likely to suffer vertical root fractures. The aim of this study was to describe the morphology of the root and root canal system of the MFP in a Chilean population using Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT). One hundred and twenty-one MFP were evaluated (60 left and 61 right), belonging to subjects of both sexes. Descriptive and statiscal analysis of the data was carried out, with a value of P < 0.05 being statistically significant. One root was observed in 71 % of teeth and two roots in 29 %; statistically significant differences were observed in the number of roots by sex (p<0.05). Two root canals were found in 69.5 % of teeth and one canal in 30.5 %. In terms of morphological classification, 41.3 % of cases were Vertucci Type IV. The proximal cementodentinal walls were the thinnest. The MFP presented a high degree of morphological variation in a Chilean subpopulation.

RESUMEN: El primer premolar maxilar (PPM) presenta una morfología radicular muy variable y compleja; también es uno de los dientes con mayor probabilidad de sufrir fracturas radiculares verticales. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir la morfología de la raíz y el sistema de conductos radiculares del PPM en una población chilena mediante tomografía computarizada de haz cónico (CBCT). Se evaluaron 121 PPM (60 izquierdas y 61 derechas), pertenecientes a sujetos de ambos sexos. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo y estadístico de los datos, siendo estadísticamente significativo un valor de P < 0,05. Se observó una raíz en el 71 % de los dientes y dos raíces en el 29 %; se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el número de raíces por sexo (p<0.05). Se encontraron dos conductos radiculares en el 69,5 % de los dientes y un conducto en el 30,5 %. En cuanto a la clasificación morfológica, el 41,3 % de los casos fueron Vertucci Tipo IV. Las paredes cementodentinales proximales fueron las más delgadas. El PPM presentó un alto grado de variación morfológica en una subpoblación chilena.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Bicuspid/diagnostic imaging , Dental Pulp Cavity/diagnostic imaging , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Bicuspid/anatomy & histology , Chile , Dental Pulp Cavity/anatomy & histology , Jaw
Chinese Journal of Stomatology ; (12): 384-389, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935877


Objectives: To evaluate the diagnostic consistency of working lengths by observing endodontic files in root canals and periapical subtle structures in digital intraoral radiographs presented in two smartphones, a tablet and a laptop computer. Methods: A dried human skull embedded in an acrylic compound was used for exposing radiographs of the upper and lower second premolars and first molars with two endodontic files (Kerr files size 10 and 15) positioned to the full length of the roots or 1.5 mm short of apexes. A total of 100 radiographs were taken for each of the file sizes. Five observers were asked to assess all the 200 digital radiographs according to a 5-category scale in smartphone A (HUAWEI P9 Plus), smartphjone B (Apple iPhone 7), tablet (Apple iPad 2018) and laptop computer (Lenovo Thinkpad E480), respectively. The gold standard for receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) analysis was determined with the endodontic Kerr file size 20. A total of 150 roots with files were radiographed, 75 of which with files reaching the radiographic apexes of the respective roots and 75 of which with files 1.5 mm short of the radiographic apexes for each endodontic file size. Results from ROC analysis was analyzed with one-way ANOVA and independent sample t test. Results: For the Kerr file size 10, the area under the ROC curve for laptop, tablet and two smartphones were 0.891±0.037, 0.869±0.037, 0.870±0.017 and 0.849±0.037, while for the Kerr file size 15 the ROC values were 0.957±0.02, 0.961±0.02, 0.961±0.01 and 0.961±0.02, respectively. There were no significant differences for diagnostic accuracy for observing endodontic file positions among digital radiographs presented in the two smartphones, one tablet and one laptop devices (endodontic file size 10: F=1.39, P=0.281; endodontic file size 15: F=0.05, P=0.985). A significant difference was found in the diagnostic accuracy of endodontic file positions between size 10 and 15 files in different display devices (t=-10.65, P<0.001). Conclusions: There was a high diagnostic consistency in the determination of working length and periapical subtle structures of roots by observing digital radiographs displayed on smartphones, tablet and laptop computer.

Humans , Dental Instruments , Dental Pulp Cavity/diagnostic imaging , Electronics , Molar , Observer Variation , Root Canal Preparation
Int. j. morphol ; 39(2): 455-462, abr. 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385363


SUMMARY: The objective of this study was to evaluate the bilaterality and symmetry in C-shaped mandibular second molars in Mexican Maya and non-Maya populations using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Five-hundred-twenty-five CBCT scans of patients with left and right mandibular second molars were analyzed to determine the prevalence and bilaterality. The teeth were assessed for the presence of C-shaped root canals, according to Fan et al. (2004) criteria. The sample was subdivided by ethnicity, sex, unilateral/bilateral presence, side of the longitudinal groove, and the C-shaped root canal configuration and symmetry, at the cervical, middle, and apical cross- sections of the root. C-shaped mandibular second molars were present in 24.95% of the individuals. Most (60.30%) of those showing this trait had it bilaterally. When comparing by ethnicity, sex, and side, we detected no significant differences. The vast majority (97.33%) presented the groove along the lingual side. The C3 was the most prevalent configuration in the overall sample, while in the Maya group, the C1 was the most common configuration. When analyzed by sex and ethnic group, the non-Maya females tended to deviate from the other groups in terms of bilaterality. Overall, 55.70% of bilateral C-shaped mandibular second molars were also symmetric in the three radicular thirds. The prevalence of C-shaped mandibular second molars was similar to that reported for northernAsian populations, which is consistent with the evolutionary origins of Native American populations. Most of the sample showed bilaterality and half were symmetric. Clinicians must be aware of the ethnic background of their patients and consider the possible variations to do more predictable root canal treatments.

RESUMEN: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la bilateralidad y simetría de los segundos molares mandibulares en forma de C en una población Mexicana Maya y no-Maya mediante tomografía computarizada de haz cónico (CBCT). Material and Métodos: Se analizaron quinientos veinticinco tomografías de pacientes con segundos molares mandibularesderecho e izquierdo para determinar la prevalencia y bilateralidad. Los dientes fueron evaluados según la presencia de conductos en forma de C de acuerdo a los criterios de Fan et al. La muestra fue subdividida por etnicidad, sexo, presencia bilateral/unilateral, lado del surco y configuración y simetría de los conductos en los cortes transversales cervical, medio y apical. Los segundos molares mandibulares en forma de C estuvieron presentes en el 24.95 % de los individuos. La mayoría (60.30%) de los que mostraron este rasgo lo hicieron de forma bilateral. El comparar por etnicidad, sexo y lado, no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas. La gran mayoría (97.33%) presentó el surco por lingual. C3 fue la configuración más prevalente en la muestra general, mientras que en el grupo Maya el C1 fue la más común. El análisis por sexo y grupo étnico arrojó que las mujeres no Mayas tendieron a desviarse de los otros grupos en términos de bilateralidad. El 55.70% de los segundos molares mandibulares bilaterales fueron simétricos en sus tres tercios radiculares. La prevalencia de los segundos molars mandibulares en forma de C fue similar a la reportada para las poblaciones del norte de Asia, lo cual es consistente con los orígenes evolutivos de las poblaciones nativas americanas. La mayor parte de la muestra presentó el rasgo de forma bilateral y la mitad de éstos fueron simétricos. Los odontólogos deben tomar en cuenta el origen étnico de sus pacientes y considerar las posibles variaciones para realizar tratamientos endodónticos más predecibles.

Humans , Male , Female , Dental Pulp Cavity/diagnostic imaging , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Mandible/diagnostic imaging , Molar/diagnostic imaging , Ethnicity , Age Factors , Dental Pulp Cavity/anatomy & histology , Mandible/anatomy & histology , Mexico , Molar/anatomy & histology
Rev. cient. odontol ; 9(1): e045, ene.-mar. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: biblio-1254251


Los sistemas de conductos radiculares presentan una variada conformación morfológica para cada grupo de piezas dentarias. Diversos autores han presentado en diferentes clasificaciones su conformación anatómica y sus variantes. Tenemos los conductos principales, colaterales, laterales, secundario, accesorio, interconducto, recurrente, delta apical y cavo interradicular. La radiología actual aún no permite la visualización de todas estas estructuras; sin embargo, el uso adecuado de las técnicas imagenológicas, junto con el empleo de nuevos equipos 3D por ajustes de parámetros de adquisición con adecuados software y algoritmos, permite una precisión mayor en las imágenes lo que favorece la observación de finos detalles útiles para el diagnóstico y abordaje de los tratamientos endodónticos. El objetivo de este artículo es realizar una revisión de la literatura para identificar nuevos conceptos y herramientas imagenológicas útiles para obtener mejores diagnósticos. (AU)

Root canal systems present a varied morphological conformation for each group of teeth. Several authors have described the anatomical conformation and its variants in different classifications, including the main, collateral, lateral, secondary, accessory, interduct, recurrent, apical delta and interradicular cavus canals. Currently, radiology still does not allow visualization of all these structures. However, proper use of imaging techniques together with the use of new 3D equipment for adjustments of acquisition parameters with adequate software and algorithms allows greater image precision, facilitating diagnosis and the planning of the most adequate approach for endodontic treatments. The objective of this article was to conduct a review of the literature to identify new concepts and useful imaging tools for better diagnoses. (AU)

Humans , Radiology , Dental Pulp Cavity/diagnostic imaging , Endodontics , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography
RFO UPF ; 26(1): 93-99, 20210327. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1428592


Objetivo: descrever um caso clínico em que a tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico (TCFC) foi utilizada para auxiliar no diagnóstico e no melhor gerenciamento de retratamento endodôntico. Relato de caso: uma paciente compareceu à clínica com queixa de uma fístula na região dos molares superiores do lado direito há aproximadamente dois meses. Radiograficamente, observou-se lesão periapical do elemento 17. Após a confirmação da necessidade do retratamento, a paciente relatou já ter feito duas intervenções endodônticas nesse elemento. Assim, optou-se por solicitar um exame de TCFC, para melhores diagnóstico e planejamento do caso. Ao avaliar a TCFC, verificou-se presença de lesão periapical extensa, presença de espaços vazios no canal mesiovestibular (MV) e palatino (P), cone de guta percha além do ápice no canal distovestibular (DV) e localização do canal mesiopalatino (MP), que não havia sido manuseado anteriormente, rompimento de cortical óssea vestibular e palatino. Após planejamento, a paciente foi submetida ao retratamento endodôntico. Foi realizada a desobstrução dos canais radiculares com remoção do cone ultrapassando no canal DV, localização do MP e instrumentação completa de todos os canais. O hidróxido de cálcio foi utilizado como medicamento intracanal entre as consultas. Ao observar a regressão da fistula e os canais sem presença de exsudato, realizou-se a obturação do canal radicular. Considerações finais: a TCFC permitiu a visualização de erros operatórios pertinentes ao caso durante os tratamentos endodônticos prévios, o que possibilitou a indicação de um novo tratamento endodôntico e a manutenção do dente na arcada dentária.(AU)

Objective: to describe a clinical case where cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) was used to assist in the diagnosis and better management of endodontic retreatment. Case report: the patient attended the clinic complaining of a fistula in the upper molar region on the right side for approximately two months. Radiographically, the presence of a periapical lesion of element 17 was observed. After confirming the need for retreatment, the patient reported having already undergone two endodontic interventions on this tooth. Thus, it was decided to request a CBCT exam for better diagnosis and case planning. When assessing the CBCT, there was the presence of extensive periapical lesion, presence of empty spaces in the mesiobuccal (MB) and palatal (P) canal, gutta percha cone beyond the apex in the distobuccal (DB) canal and location of the mesiopalatal (MP) canal - which had not been previously handled -, rupture of the cortex vestibular and palatal bone. After planning, the patient underwent endodontic retreatment. Then, all the previous filling material were removed, including the gutta-percha by passing into the DB canal, MP was localized and complete instrumentation of all root canals were done. Calcium hydroxide was used as an intracanal medication between appointments. When the regression of the fistula was observed and canals were without exudate, root canal filling was performed. Final considerations: the CBCT allowed the visualization of operative errors pertinent to the case during previous endodontic treatments, which allowed the indication of a new endodontic treatment and the maintenance of the tooth in the dental arch.(AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Root Canal Therapy/methods , Treatment Failure , Dental Pulp Cavity/diagnostic imaging , Radiography, Dental/methods , Treatment Outcome , Retreatment/methods , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 35: e060, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1249378


Abstract: This study aimed to describe the morphometric relationship of root canal orifices on the pulp floor in the presence/absence of mesiobuccal second canal (MB2) in the maxillary first molars and other aspects of its internal anatomy. Sixty-two maxillary first molars were scanned by micro-CT. The presence of the MB2 canal was verified. The distance between the center points of the MB1, MB2, distobuccal (DB), and palatal (P) canal orifices on the pulp floor were measured (MB1-MB2, MB1-DB, MB2-DB, MB1-P, and DB-P). The MB1-P to DB-P ratio was calculated. The distances between the anatomic apex and the MB1 and MB2 apical foramina were measured. The length of the band-shaped isthmus was also measured. Student's t-test was applied to verify the association between the presence of an MB2 canal, the interorifice distances, and the ratio of the MB1-P to DB-P distance (α = 5%). The MB2 canal was present in 43 roots (69.35%). Statistics showed significant differences when MB2 was present for the largest MB1-P distance (p < 0.05) and higher values for the MB1-P to DB-P ratio (p < 0.05). A band-shaped isthmus was detected in 25.8% of MB roots. The mean distance from the apical foramen to the isthmus floor ranged from 1.74 for MB1 canals to 1.42 for MB2 canals. Canal orifice distances on the pulp floor may predict the presence of MB2 canals. There was a high incidence of isthmus, accessory canals, and apical delta in the critical apical zone in MB roots of maxillary first molars.

Tooth Root/diagnostic imaging , Maxilla/diagnostic imaging , Dental Pulp Cavity/diagnostic imaging , X-Ray Microtomography , Molar/diagnostic imaging
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 35: e008, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1132748


Abstract: The aim of this study was to assess the influence of micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) voxel size on the evaluation of debris accumulation after passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI) in curved root canals prepared with rotary nickel-titanium files. Mesial root canals (n = 24) of mandibular molars with curvature between 25° and 35° were prepared using ProDesign Logic 30/.05 (PDL) or HyFlex EDM 25/.08 (HEDM). PUI was performed after root canal preparation of all root canals. The specimens were scanned using high-resolution (5 μm voxel size) micro-CT imaging before and after experimental procedures. The percentage of debris was analyzed in the middle and apical thirds using images with 5, 10 and 20 μm voxel sizes. Data were compared using unpaired and paired Student's t-test, ANOVA and Tukey's statistical tests (α = 0.05). There were no differences among the debris analyses performed at different voxel sizes (5, 10 and 20 μm) (p > 0.05). The percentage of debris was similar between the root canals prepared by PDL and HEDM before and after PUI (p > 0.05). In both groups, the percentage of debris decreased in the middle third after PUI (p < 0.05). Within the limitations of this ex vivo study, it can be concluded that the voxel sizes evaluated did not have a significant impact on the analysis of accumulated debris. However, the results showed a tendency for detection of more debris in the analysis performed using a lower voxel size. PUI decreased the debris accumulation in the middle third of curved root canals.

Humans , Root Canal Preparation , Dental Pulp Cavity/diagnostic imaging , X-Ray Microtomography , Molar/diagnostic imaging
J. appl. oral sci ; 29: e20200799, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1286910


Abstract Objectives This study aimed to investigate patterns and risk factors related to the feasibility of achieving technical quality and periapical healing in root canal non-surgical retreatment, using regression and data mining methods. Methodology This retrospective observational study included 321 consecutive patients presenting for root canal retreatment. Patients were treated by graduate students, following standard protocols. Data on medical history, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up visits variables were collected from physical records and periapical radiographs and transferred to an electronic chart database. Basic statistics were tabulated, and univariate and multivariate analytical methods were used to identify risk factors for technical quality and periapical healing. Decision trees were generated to predict technical quality and periapical healing patterns using the J48 algorithm in the Weka software. Results Technical outcome was satisfactory in 65.20%, and we observed periapical healing in 80.50% of the cases. Several factors were related to technical quality, including severity of root curvature and altered root canal morphology (p<0.05). Follow-up periods had a mean of 4.05 years. Periapical lesion area, tooth type, and apical resorption proved to be significantly associated with retreatment failure (p<0.05). Data mining analysis suggested that apical root resorption might prevent satisfactory technical outcomes even in teeth with straight root canals. Also, large periapical lesions and poor root filling quality in primary endodontic treatment might be related to healing failure. Conclusion Frequent patterns and factors affecting technical outcomes of endodontic retreatment included root canal morphological features and its alterations resulting from primary endodontic treatment. Healing outcomes were mainly associated with the extent of apical periodontitis pathological damages in dental and periapical tissues. To determine treatment predictability, we suggest patterns including clinical and radiographic features of apical periodontitis and technical quality of primary endodontic treatment.

Humans , Periapical Periodontitis , Dental Pulp Cavity/diagnostic imaging , Root Canal Therapy , Retrospective Studies , Retreatment , Data Mining
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 35: e028, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1153621


Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the filling ability of a new ready-to-use calcium silicate-based sealer using thermoplastic or single-cone technique in flattened root canals. Twenty-four flattened distal canals of mandibular molars with a buccolingual diameter 4 or more times larger than the mesiodistal diameter were selected. The root canals were prepared and filled (n = 12), according to the following techniques: thermoplastic or single-cone technique using Bio-C Sealer. The teeth were scanned using Skycan 1176 micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) - voxel size 8.74 µm, before and after filling the root canal. The percentage of voids in the filled root canals was evaluated, and the data were statistically analyzed using the unpaired t-test (α = 0.05). The root canals filled using the thermoplastic technique created a smaller percentage of voids in the cervical/middle thirds than those filled using the single-cone technique (p < 0.05). There was no difference in the percentage of voids using either technique in the apical third (p > 0.05). The flattened root canals in the cervical/middle thirds were better filled using the ready-to-use calcium silicate-based sealer associated to the thermoplastic technique, compared with the single-cone technique. In the apical third, the techniques showed similar filling ability.

Root Canal Filling Materials , Dental Pulp Cavity/diagnostic imaging , Root Canal Obturation , Root Canal Preparation , X-Ray Microtomography , Gutta-Percha , Molar
Int. j. morphol ; 38(6): 1571-1576, Dec. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134480


SUMMARY: The aim of the present study was to determine the accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of the clinical and radiographic examination (CRE) method compared to the examination with the dental operating microscope (DOM) on the detection of anatomical features of mesiobuccal canals in maxillary first molars. One hundred maxillary first molars were selected to assess the number of canals orifice entrances, accessibility, and ending of their mesiobuccal canals using the CRE method and the examination with the DOM. The diagnostic tests of the CRE exhibited, in general, high levels of accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity. However, low levels of these outcomes occurred, mainly, on the detection of the number of canals entrance orifices of the mesiobuccal root. The statistically significant differences (p<0.05) occurred for accessibility and ending of canals in 61 of the 62 cases (out of 100) when two of them were present: 2 accessible root canals (48 cases; 77.42 %), and 1 accessible and 1 inaccessible canals (13 cases; 20.97 %); 1 foramen after fusion (18 cases; 29.03 %), 2 foramens (30 cases; 48.39 %), and 1 foramen and 1 blind foramen (13 cases; 20.97 %). This study proves that the clinical and radiographic method (still the most commonly used worldwide) can't be trusted absolutely in situations of complex internal anatomy regarding the mesiobuccal root canals of maxillary first molars.

RESUMEN: El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la precisión, sensibilidad y especificidad del método de examen clínico y radiográfico (ECR) en comparación al examen con el microscopio quirúrgico dental (MQD) en la detección de características anatómicas de los canales mesiovestibulares en primeros molares maxilares.Se seleccionaron 100 primeros molares maxilares para evaluar el número de entradas de los canales, la accesibilidad y la terminación de sus canales mesiovestibulares utilizando el método ECR y el examen con el MQD.Las pruebas de diagnóstico del ECR exhibieron, en general, altos niveles de precisión, sensibilidad y especificidad. Sin embargo, también hubo niveles bajos de estos resultados, principalmente, en la detección del número de orificios de entrada a los canales de las raíces mesiovestibulares. Hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p<0,05) para la accesibilidad y terminación de los canales en 61 de los 62 casos (del total de 100), cuando dos de ellos estaban presentes: 2 canales radiculares accesibles (48 casos, 77,42 %), y 1 accesible y 1 inaccesible (13 casos, 20,97 %). Después de la fusión, un orificio (18 casos, 29,03 %), 2 orificios (30 casos, 48,39 %) y 1 orificio más otro, ciego (13 casos, 20,97 %). Este estudio demuestra que no se puede confiar plenamente en el método clínico y radiográfico (todavía el más utilizado en todo el mundo), cuando existe una anatomía interna compleja de los canales de la raíz mesiovestibular de los primeros molares superiores.

Humans , Dental Pulp Cavity/anatomy & histology , Dental Pulp Cavity/diagnostic imaging , Molar/anatomy & histology , Molar/diagnostic imaging , Radiography, Dental , Sensitivity and Specificity , Maxilla , Microscopy/methods , Microsurgery